You are making a difference and we appreciate you!
The Kekaulike High School Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that relies on donations and volunteers. All donations are tax deductible.
Through your generous donations we are able to provide the critical extra support needed to ensure that our academic, athletic, and arts programs remain strong and provide our students the highest quality educational experience during their time with us and beyond.
We are currently accepting donations for the Debbie Hisashima Memorial Scholarship. To make a donation please use the information below and be sure to indicate in memory of Debbie Hisashima in the online or mail in form.
Online Donations
Step 1: To make a donation via PayPal or Credit Card click the donate button.
Step 2: Complete this electronic form to accompany your online donation to allocate it to a specific program, scholarship, or feeder school OR make a donation in memory or in honor of an individual.
Mailed Donations
If you prefer to mail in a check it can be sent to the following address along with a printed copy of this donation form.
Kekaulike High School Foundation
P.O. Box 880757
Pukalani, HI 96788
Kekaulike High School Foundation
P.O. Box 880757
Pukalani, HI 96788