Kekaulike High School Foundation BoardOfficers
President- Megan Nakashima, KKHS Alumni and Pukalani Superette Manager Vice President- Selina Swatek, KKHS Alumni and Public Defender Treasurer- Lisa Yoshida, KKHS Parent and CPA Secretary- Cindy Asato-Kochi, KKHS Parent and Staff Ex Officio- Amy Strand, KKHS Parent and current Principal Directors
Emily Haines-Swatek, KKHS Staff Jan Matsushita, KKHS Staff Sadie Mossman, KKHS Parent and Staff Susan Scofield, Former KKHS Principal Kim Uyehara, KKHS Parent and Staff
The journey to a foundation...As the school was nearing its 25th anniversary, teachers at King Kekaulike High School began to think about the creation of a school foundation. Alumni were now beginning to become well established in their families and careers and sending their own children to their former high school. Donors often inquired about making tax deductible contributions in support of our students for scholarships or programs.
Realizing the need for the Kekaulike community to have a way to support all upcountry schools, in August 2019, a group of alumni and teachers set out to create the Kekaulike High School Foundation. Initially, the group contacted and spoke with the executive director of the Lahainaluna Foundation and resources from other foundations. In addition, Mr. Dwight Muraoka was instrumental in helping with the legal aspects of setting up a foundation. Mr. Robert Kawahara, CPA, also provided much-needed insight into the financial aspects of non-profit foundations. Armed with the needed information and a determination to complete the process, the group met regularly over the next few months, hashing out the purpose, by-laws, and required tax forms. Once the necessary forms were completed, they were submitted, and the waiting began. In March 2020, the Kekaulike High School Foundation was established and in May 2021 the foundation was granted 501(c)(3) status as a non-profit organization. |